Riding a horse is a great way to exercise, explore new places and make new friends. But there might be some fears you need to overcome before trying it out. Perhaps you’re worried about mounting or being on the ground with the horse. These are all perfectly normal concerns, but they can easily be overcome through practice!

Communicate With Your Trainer

The first thing you should do is talk to your trainer about your concerns. Your trainer might be able to help you overcome any fears you have about riding. Your trainer can also help you identify other problems you might have with riding. This will make it easier to find a horse that is right for you.If you have a particularly strong fear of being on the ground with the horse, your trainer can also show you how to groom the horse and clean it up after it has been ridden. This can help you feel more comfortable being around the horse before you actually ride it.

Try Riding at a Low-Pitch Level

If you’re worried about falling off the horse or being thrown, talk to your trainer about riding at a low-pitch level. At a lower pitch, the horse won’t be able to throw you off as easily. But you can still enjoy the experience and you can slowly build up to higher pitches over time.If you’re worried about falling off, your trainer can show you how to ride at a low-level pitch. If you’re worried about being thrown, your trainer can teach you how to control the horse’s movement. This is an important skill to have, even if you don’t plan on jumping.

Try Riding at a Low-Speed

If you’re worried about falling off the horse or being thrown, talk to your trainer about riding at a low-speed. At a lower speed, the horse won’t be able to throw you off as easily. But you can still enjoy the experience and you can slowly build up to higher speeds over time.If you’re worried about falling off, your trainer can show you how to ride at a low-speed. If you’re worried about being thrown, your trainer can teach you how to control the horse’s movement. This is an important skill to have, even if you don’t plan on jumping.

Try Riding at a Low Level With a Trainer

If you’re worried about falling off the horse or being thrown, talk to your trainer about riding at a low level with a trainer. At a lower pitch, the horse won’t be able to throw you off as easily. But you can still enjoy the experience and you can slowly build up to higher pitches over time.If you’re worried about falling off, your trainer can show you how to ride at a low-level pitch. If you’re worried about being thrown, your trainer can teach you how to control the horse’s movement. This is an important skill to have, even if you don’t plan on jumping.

Ride at a Lower Speed with a Trainer

If you’re worried about falling off the horse or being thrown, talk to your trainer about riding at a lower speed with a trainer. At a lower speed, the horse won’t be able to throw you off as easily. But you can still enjoy the experience and you can slowly build up to higher speeds over time.If you’re worried about falling off, your trainer can show you how to ride at a low-speed. If you’re worried about being thrown, your trainer can teach you how to control the horse’s movement. This is an important skill to have, even if you don’t plan on jumping.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Many people who ride regularly have overcome their fears and can help you. But the more you practice riding, the less scared you’ll be of falling off or being thrown. So keep at it and you’ll get there!