When it comes to horseback riding, many people assume that it must be a dangerous activity for novice riders. However, riding is actually one of the safest activities you can do as a teen or adult. In fact, riding a horse is one of the safest and most effective ways to get in shape for teens. However, riding a horse can also be an extremely rewarding experience. If you’re interested in becoming more active and learning more about horseback riding, it is important to know how to stay safe while riding. Riding a horse is inherently a dangerous activity, but with the right safety precautions, it can also be one of the most beneficial and rewarding experiences of your life. Here are some great tips to stay safe while riding a horse – whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider!

Talk to your doctor before beginning horseback riding

If you’re a new rider, it’s important to speak with your doctor before beginning horseback riding. This will allow you to discuss any health conditions or allergies you have and know what precautions to take before riding. Some examples of conditions to discuss with your doctor include allergies to certain plants, insects, or medications. It is also important to discuss any past injuries or surgeries you may have had. This will allow your doctor to determine if riding is safe for you based on your physical condition. Another thing to discuss with your doctor is the proper fit of your riding helmet. There are many different helmet types and sizes, and it is important to find the right size for your head. Not only will a helmet help protect your head in an accident, but it also needs to fit snugly to ensure adequate air circulation.

Start off slow

New riders should start off slow and build up their skills over time. This will help you get used to the movements of a horse and make it safer for you to ride. It may also help you avoid injury if you’re new to riding. Before you start riding, it is recommended that you take a few lessons from an experienced instructor. This will allow you to get used to the movements of a horse, practice mounting and dismounting, and learn how to properly care for your horse. Many riding stables also offer horseback riding lessons for children. This will help make riding more accessible for children.

Always use a protective riding helmet

A protective riding helmet will help you avoid serious injuries in the event of a fall or accident. It is important to make sure that your helmet is properly fitted and sized for your head. The best way to make sure that you have the right helmet is to visit your local riding store and try on a few different styles. It is recommended that you purchase a lightweight, full-coverage helmet. You should also make sure that your helmet has a chin strap and head pad. This will help protect your head in the event of a fall or accident.

Stay hydrated before and during riding

It is important to stay hydrated before and during horseback riding. This will help maintain your energy levels and prevent headaches from dehydration. It is best to sip water throughout the day, rather than drinking a large amount all at once. However, if you plan on drinking alcohol before riding, be sure to stay hydrated before and after. Alcohol can dehydrate you, and it is important to stay hydrated to avoid getting dehydrated.

Don't forget to stretch before and after riding

Many people forget to stretch before and after horseback riding, but this is an important part of staying safe while riding. Stretching after riding helps to reduce muscle tension and improve circulation. It can also help to prevent injuries, such as muscle cramps. When you’re first starting out riding, it is recommended that you stretch for a few minutes at a time. As you get more comfortable with the movements of the horse, you can increase the amount of time you spend stretching.

Don't let your horse get too warm

One of the most important safety tips is to make sure that your horse does not get too hot. This can be caused by the weather, the amount of time the horse is ridden, and the size and weight of the rider. If the horse gets too warm, it can be more difficult for the rider to control the horse, which can result in an accident. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended that you make sure that the horse has plenty of time to cool off after being ridden. You can do this by limiting the amount of time the horse is ridden and making sure that the weather is not too hot.

Keep your horse clean and healthy

Another important safety tip is to keep your horse clean and healthy. This will help to prevent the spread of infections and injuries, and it will make the horse more comfortable. It is recommended that you brush your horse regularly to prevent hair and dirt buildup. You can use a brush with soft bristles, and you can purchase special brushes for brushing your horse’s mane and tail. You can also use a hoof pick to clean out dirt from the horse’s hooves. It is important to check your horse’s hooves regularly and trim them as needed. It is also recommended that you bring a clean horse to the vet for a health check-up once a year.

Try to avoid sudden movements

When you’re first starting out riding, it is important to try to avoid sudden movements. This will help to ensure that you and your horse remain safe during the activity. If the horse suddenly bolts or bucks, it is important to stay calm and still. This will help to avoid an accident.


Riding a horse is a great activity for teens. It is a low-impact form of exercise that is great for toning the body and improving coordination. However, it is important to stay safe while riding to reduce the risk of injury. This includes using a protective riding helmet, hydrating before and during riding, stretching before and after riding, and keeping your horse clean and healthy. It is also important to avoid sudden movements when riding, as this can lead to an accident.