Horse riding is a fun and exciting pastime for many people. However, it’s important to understand the risks associated with this sport before signing up for an equestrian lesson. If you’ve ever watched someone ride a horse, you may have noticed that they don’t necessarily fall off them very often. If you’ve ever been horse riding, however, you know that being thrown from a horse and falling can be a very real and scary experience.If you’ve ever felt like you were about to fall off your horse, but managed not to, you know exactly how terrifying this can be. If you’ve ever had a friend who has been thrown from a horse, you’ve probably heard the stories. These stories are not only hilarious, but also provide excellent advice on what to do if you ever find yourself falling off a horse.In this article, you will find everything you need to know about horse riding safety and how to stay safe if you fall off your horse. Let’s begin!

What happens when you fall off a horse?

The first thing to know when you fall off a horse is that it is incredibly dangerous. You should know to expect this to happen on any ride you take, but it can be especially scary if you don’t have the proper equipment. A broken leg or arm, or even a concussion from the fall can be very serious injuries.When you fall, the horse will continue to move as it would if you weren’t attached to it, which could cause the animal to run off, or cause them to kick or trample you. If you are on a trail ride, this could mean that you get kicked or trampled by other riders.If you fall from an indoor riding facility, you might come to a stop after a few feet, but if you are on the trail, you could easily be run over by other riders. In either case, it’s important to get yourself out of the situation as quickly as possible.

Why do people fall off horses?

There are a number of reasons why people fall off horses. One of the most common reasons why people fall is because they are not properly attuned to their horse.Horse people often recommend that you ride on the opposite side of the horse from where you normally would, so that you can get used to the animal’s moves. If you do not ride the horse in the opposite direction, you may not notice when the horse begins to move in a different direction.This could cause you to fall off the horse.There are also certain tricks that you can use to help make sure that you don’t fall off your horse. One of the most important things to do is to keep your heels out of the stirrup. The stirrup is a metal ring that holds the rider in the saddle. If your heels are in the stirrup, you might not be able to move your leg far enough to get out of the way if your horse begins to move in a different direction.If your horse begins to move in a different direction, try to keep your toes on the ground. This will make it easier to move your body away from the horse.

How to stay safe when you fall off a horse

The most important thing to do if you fall off your horse is to stay calm. You may be worried about getting hurt, but this could cause you to panic, which could make the situation worse.When someone is thrown from a horse, they are more likely to sustain an injury if they panic and struggle. It’s important to remain calm while you wait for someone to come help you out of the situation.If you are thrown from a horse, your best chance of survival is to get yourself out of the way as quickly as possible. You may have heard that you should cover your face if you’re thrown from a horse, but this is not necessary. If you cover your face, you will become trapped under the horse and could be injured.If you are in a public area, you should cover your mouth so that you don’t accidentally gasp in the animal’s breath. Covering your mouth will prevent you from inhaling any of the animal’s saliva, which can cause you to become ill.

Don’t try to stand up

When you fall off a horse, you might think that you should try to stand up again as quickly as possible. This is a common reaction, but it can actually make the situation worse.If you stand up as soon as you fall off the horse, you are likely to fall forward and hit your head on the ground.This could cause a serious head injury, and you should stay on the ground until help arrives.If you try to stand up as soon as you fall off the horse, you may not be able to see the hoof of the horse that you are standing on. This could make it difficult for the animal to step over you.

Stay away from the horse’s legs

Your first instinct might be to grab the horse’s legs as you fall off, but this could cause the animal to kick you. This is why it’s important to stay away from the horse’s legs when you fall off. If you grab the horse’s legs, the animal may kick you in an effort to get you off of it.If you are lucky enough not to get kicked by the horse, you should stay away from the leg as much as possible. If you are still clinging to the horse, the horse may kick you in the ribs or stomach, but this is better than being kicked in the face.

Use anything nearby to protect yourself

Depending on where you fall from, you may be able to use something nearby to protect yourself. If you fall off a horse while on a trail ride, you might be able to use the trees to break your fall.There could also be other equestrians around you who could assist you. If you can get your hands around the tree or branch on which you have fallen, you can use it as a shield.This will help protect you from the hooves of the horse.


Horse riding is a fantastic way to spend time outdoors. However, it’s important to understand the risks associated with this sport. If you’ve ever watched someone ride a horse, you may have noticed that they don’t necessarily fall off them very often.If you’ve ever been horse riding, you know that being thrown from a horse and falling can be a very real and scary experience.If you ever feel like you’re about to fall off your horse, there are several things you can do to stay safe. Stay calm, don’t try to stand up, and use anything nearby to protect yourself. Remember to stay away from the horse’s legs, and you should be able to walk away from the situation without a scratch.It’s important to be safe when you’re riding a horse, but it’s also important to have fun too! You